Submission is closed.
Abstract submission is open on
Welcome to PCIC energy Middle East
PCIC energy invites you to actively contribute to the exciting programme of our forthcoming Middle East knowledge sharing event in 2024. PCIC energy is the premium forum for exchange of experience on the practical application of electrical and automation technology in the petroleum, chemical and pharmaceutical industries with conference topics targeted at our audience of end-users, consultants, engineering companies, and equipment suppliers.
So why submit an abstract?
Present your knowledge and practical experience to our worldwide discipline forum. The depth of cross industry representation at conference enables you to raise your personal and your organisation’s profile at a senior industry level and network efficiently amongst your engineering peers. Meet likeminded professionals and enjoy the stimulating discussions as the fruits of your effort. This makes PCIC Middle East surely the annual must-attend event for authors and delegates, so why not?
Successful authors will:
- Present their paper or technical tutorial at their selected conference
- Have their paper or tutorial published with the official conference proceedings
- Have their paper or tutorial published on our e-library and our website
- PCIC will film the presentation for streaming during the event and on for publication on our website
Technical focus for potential authors of papers and tutorials
Our main themes for 2024:
Our focus continues to be energy transition to net zero and its challenges for existing facilities and for new developments. How do we execute projects and run assets in a digital world where information quantities are ever-increasing but cybersecurity threats are ever-present? How do we get energy efficiency and transition towards net-zero in a world where resources (materials and people) are increasingly constrained.
Specific conference themes are:
- Decarbonisation – electrification, energy storage, hydrogen and integration of renewables
- Energy efficiency and life cycle management
- Digital projects and assets
You are invited to submit an abstract embodying these conference themes and aligned to our strategic topics.
Strategic topics
Strategic topics | Sub-strategic topics | Equipment Types | Technical Issues & Processes |
Topic 1: Equipment, Systems and Components Topic 2: Asset Integrity and availability Topic 3: Good Design Practice Topic 4: Personal Safety | Advanced Technology Asset Management and life cycle strategies Energy Efficiency Energy transition Operation & Maintenance Power Quality Qualification of Personnel Regulations & New Standards Sustainability & Environmental Impact | Cables & Accessories Electrical equipment instrumentation Electrical Protection Fuse & Short Circuit Protection Hazardous Area Equipment Lightning Protection & Earthing Lighting Systems Modular Units On-line Monitoring & Condition Assessment Systems Power Electronics Process Heating Equipment Rotating Equipment Subsea Technology & Components Substation automation and Control Systems Switchgear Trace Heating Systems Transformers & Reactors Uninteruptable Power Variable Speed Drive Systems Wireless systems Electrification | Application of New Technology Arc Flash Best practices (Project Execution) Communication Protocols Continuous Improvement Construction & Commissioning Design Digitalization Cyber Security Equipment Design, Data Exchange, Data Management, Electromagnetic Compatibility Ergonomics & Human Factors Harmonisation of Regulations & Standards Industrie 4.0 Integration of reneweables Management of Ageing Installations On-line Condition Monitoring Power Management Power Quality Power System Modelling Risk & Criticality Assessment Root Cause Failure Analysis Safety Critical Design Measures Explosion Protection Type Testing Technology Readiness Level Functional safety for electrical equipment and automation Brownfield changes challenges (Life cycle management) |
Please note that:
- If the subject of an abstract is expected to require more elaboration or is similar to other abstracts for the same conference, the authors might be asked to cooperate and submit a tutorial instead of a paper.
- Authors wishing to submit the same abstract for both conferences are required to submit the abstract twice, one time for each conference.
- Tutorials are not included in the Conference Record
- Our main themes should not prevent you from submitting abstracts relevant to our strategic topics
How to submit an abstract
- Go to
- Then use your login and password if you have already created your author account on this platform OR create your personal account by clicking on NEW USER? ASK FOR IDENTIFICATION CODES
- Then complete your abstract, after having chosen strategic topics, sub-strategic topics, etc.
- Follow the simple instructions to complete your submission
Instructions and deadlines
We invite you to read carefully all the instructions and tips you will find on Instructions and deadline to contribute