Best voted papers

During the 2024 conference in Rotterdam, presentations of the various papers were noted by the participants. You will find below the best papers from these votes.

Best tutorial:

Tutorial 01: EUR24_03 – State of the Art of High-speed Motors VSD-fed Technologies for Compression presented by Lionel Durantay

Best voted papers:

Paper 15: EUR24_14 – Circuit breaker performances selection for near-to-generator fault current interface presented by Giovanni Gambirasio, Mauro Codoni

Paper 25: EUR24_06 – Influence of stator coil design on insulation system health assessment presented by Hector Bordegaray

Paper 16: EUR24_17 – Arc-Flash Calculations: IEEE 1584 and DGUV-I 203-077 presented by Jim Phillips, Albert Marroquin

Paper 05: EUR24_27 – Integrating OT Cyber Security Throughout the Project Lifecycle presented by Anusha Challa, Norman Blume

Best content paper to foster the transition to Hydrogen:

Paper 18: EUR24_25 – Large Electrolysis Systems – Challenges with the advent of Green Hydrogen presented by Andreas Luig, Alexander Pawlak